What Causes Dry Eye

What Causes Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a common condition that can cause a range of irritating symptoms, including scratchiness, burning, and blurry vision. While often manageable, it's important to understand the underlying causes to find effective relief.

Factors Contributing to Dry Eye

Several factors can contribute to dry eye, including:

•             Tear Production Issues: In some cases, your eyes don't produce enough tears. This can be due to aging, certain medical conditions like Sjogren's syndrome, or even LASIK surgery.

•             Tear Quality Problems: Even if your eyes produce enough tears, the quality of those tears may be insufficient. Tears consist of three layers: oil, water, and mucus. If any of these layers are deficient or imbalanced, your tears may evaporate too quickly, leading to dryness.

•             Medications: Certain medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, and some blood pressure medications, can have dry eye as a side effect.

Age-Related Dry Eye

Dry eye becomes increasingly common with age, particularly in women after menopause. This is because tear production naturally declines as we get older.

Environmental Influences

Environmental factors can also play a role in dry eye. Dry air, wind, and smoke can all worsen symptoms by accelerating tear evaporation.

Digital Eye Strain and Dry Eye

Spending extended periods staring at digital screens like computers and smartphones can contribute to dry eye. This is because focusing on screens reduces blink rate, leading to tear evaporation. This condition is sometimes referred to as computer vision syndrome.

Underlying Eye Conditions

Certain eye conditions, such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) and meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), can also contribute to dry eye. Blepharitis can disrupt the oil glands in your eyelids, affecting tear quality, while MGD specifically involves the dysfunction of these oil glands.

Consult an Eye Doctor Near You

If you experience persistent dry eye symptoms, consult an eye doctor near you for a comprehensive evaluation. At Lamorinda Optometry in Lafayette, CA, our experienced optometrists can determine the cause of your dry eye and develop a personalized treatment plan. Don't let dry eye disrupt your daily life. Schedule an appointment with Lamorinda Optometry today by calling (925) 283-8502. We'll work with you to find solutions and provide relief for dry eye symptoms.


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